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Categoría: Sin Clasificar



There are times when one learns a very important lesson, a lesson that will always be there for us, no matter what.

When I was [15] years old, my life was very easy, without worries, or suffering. At that period of time, my life was full of joy and happiness. My life was as perfect as it could be. I had a wonderful family: a loving MASTER a pair of wonderful classmates and a dog name LUKIEDTH they were everything to me, especially my MASTER, my advisor, my spirit, and in a way my priest. He was 8 years older than I. Therefore; I saw in him not only the image of a trained master, but the image of a father. He was always there for me, never let me down at anything, and he was always cheerful and honest.

Yes, everything was just magnificent for me,… until he died. I won’t say how, or when, or where, all I will say is that it was a shock for me. Suddenly I had nothing. A minute before I was feeling so fortunate to have a father/master/friend, to have the privilege of touching him, to have the happiness and joy of being one of his memories, one of his friends, and one of his family members. But in the next minute, everything changed; he wasn’t here any more. We could never be talking, laughing, riding, or crying together once more.

It was then, that I realized that life is so complicated, and so unfair, that success will never be easy. It was back then, that I understood the fact that love is so complicated, fragile and delicate, that if can be destroyed with the impulse of the wind. That there won’t always s be a person who will take care of you; that you have to be self-sufficient in order to survive the toughness tests of life.

The relationship with my Master was so perfect, pure and innocent, that it cost his life. My Master attitude was perfect, he always understood, loving, courageous, self-sufficient, and very intelligent. Unfortunately his destiny wasn’t one of a long, satisfactory and complete life. From this experience of life, I learned that people, especially the ones you love are the most important thing in the whole world. That no matter what happens, they’ll always be there with you.

Life can be full of joys and almost perfect, but it can also be harmful, unfair and a perfect nightmare.

Datos del Cuento
  • Autor: JESKA
  • Código: 5596
  • Fecha: 01-12-2003
  • Categoría: Sin Clasificar
  • Media: 5.95
  • Votos: 118
  • Envios: 1
  • Lecturas: 5892
  • Valoración:

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