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Categoría: Hechos Reales


One day, I remember I woke up happy .It was like any other day.I was young,I undertood certian thing's.The only thing i knew was my Mom was gonna go to a party that night.She used to go to parties on Saturdays.I had a strange feeling .The time was getting close,my Mom was getting ready.I was begging her not to go . My mom told me ,don't worry i'll be back. Go ahead and get some sleep mija i'll wake you up when i get home.Of course I could't do anything.The only thing i could say was bye Mom,I love you,take care.

When my Mom left,I went to her room and layed down.I could'nt sleep,something weird was going on. I did'nt know what.I could'nt resist any longer,my eyes were closing.Finally I went to sleep.Later I heard my Nina scream,no no my daughter can't be dead.then an officer came into the room . He hugged me,he explained to me my Mom was in heaven .The only thing i knew was to put my head down.In reality,I didin,t know what death was.The only thing I understood was that my Mom was not coming back home.

I remember the next the day everyone was getting ready to go to the funeral Home .I was scared,I was hiding,I didn't want to go.My mothers best friend came to me and sed lets go, this will be the last time you can see your Mother.I changed my mind.I wore a black dress.We arrived at the funeral home,their were alot of candles everywhere.There was a casket,of course,it was my mother's casket .People were sitting everywhere around me. I felt with the look they gave me ,they wanted to give me consoluation.Slowly I walked away from them .I went to the casket where my mom was laying down.When i looked at her i froze.i could'nt move .I repeated the same word's I said to her before she died,goodbye Mom ,I love you take care.

That was my final fairwell to my mother

My mother died in a car accidant
Datos del Cuento
  • Categoría: Hechos Reales
  • Media: 5.29
  • Votos: 142
  • Envios: 9
  • Lecturas: 6818
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