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Categoría: Románticos

My First story tail (english)

hiii i wrote this, my name is paola and im 13, i live in Maryland but im from chile (this goes to the guy i like)

One day there was a dark universe, a black universe, a universe cold and mathematic.

It doesnt know why, Two stars looked at each other and they fell in love so amazingly and beautiful that it was love
that left that infallibles orbits eliptics sweet hearts entwined.

they loved each other so much...., But the distance was big, And they couldnt touch each other or kiss each other. YES! if only
for one moment they could be together! but that was forbidden in a universe dark, a universe black a universe cold and Mathematic.

Regardless everything they didnt resigned to live separated, far away from each other by a cold and silent emptiness; so they decided
to break the infinite law of the organized universe. With a complicity wink of eye, they flew away from their orbits turning out to be
in two beautiful shooting stars! going to the same destiny to the velocity of wish and love.

They just wanted to kiss eachother; they knew that that would be their first and last kiss, but besides of that they continued their vertigosas their path to suicide....till
they found melting in a brighten and beautiful hug of love and dead. It was the price they had to pay for loving in a Universe dark, universe black, universe cold and mathematic.

They were the first ones, But if you ever look at the sky in a summer night, and you see a shooting star, Think that there is another one, that they are in love,
that even though we live in a universe dark, universe black, universe cold and mathematic, they will find each other, they will kiss only
for an instant and no more. and then they will desappear between sparkles of love and sweetness.
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  • Categoría: Románticos
  • Media: 5.77
  • Votos: 129
  • Envios: 3
  • Lecturas: 5216
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