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Categoría: Infantiles

Princess of Peace

Once upon a time in the middle ages there was a royal family a family of four .The queen Josefina was the bride of king Thomas.They had two girls,known as princess Leslie and Crystal.
Crystal was the youngest.
The family was at war with sir Frence.As they batteled for the jewels and land.They were enemies.Leslie the oldest daugther wanted the war
to end in peace.Sir Thomas and sir Frence were at war ,because some villager in the Frence village
stole the family jewels.As they were at war many soldiers and warriors died.It wasnt long before Crystal cried .Josefina the mother said why dear child must thou cry she said .Crystal ,felt the same as Leslie.She asked her mother -
Mom why cant' you ask sir Frence,for the jewels back..so we can come to peace as the war at night
was still going on. Crystal and Leslie were scared .Finally Leslie went out side and said.
Why can't we just come in peace and pretend this never happened or why don't you tell knights to search for the jewels in the village ,this war must come in peace and end Crystal shouted yeah soon every body started cheering.

Datos del Cuento
  • Autor: Sheila
  • Código: 5419
  • Fecha: 23-11-2003
  • Categoría: Infantiles
  • Media: 5.48
  • Votos: 161
  • Envios: 6
  • Lecturas: 6464
  • Valoración:

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1 comentarios. Página 1 de 1
invitado-Moroca 24-07-2004 00:00:00

Muy bonito y ojalá todo el mundo pensara como las princesas. Te felicito y sigue escribiendo

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