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Categoría: Románticos

Sea, you and me (part one)

Rustling bushes... steps on the dry sand... panting and at last open land. The ocean was glimmering brightly like tiny diamonds. The sea hitting the rocks draws her to peace. The salty smell hit her face, calming her eagerness. There was his boat, balancing, cradle of dreams and hopes. The inside was well lit, but no sign of life. He didn’t know that this beach was her secret spot, her favorite place to be. It was seldom visited, not touched or corrupted by human hands. She memorized by heart every inch of it and even blind, she can crawl there to escape or in the worse case to die, as the elephant’s graveyard. -Where are you?- She was wondering looking in every corner of the fresh sand, in every corner of the stones.

Then at last, a silhouette was cut perfectly in the horizon. His black skin was almost blending in the shadows. He was looking at the sky, a perfect starry sky. His soul was far, far away. Wearing jeans and a stripped shirt that the wind kept open seems like a statue, not a single movement. Slowly he opened his arms as a seagull ready to take flight. He was flying indeed, flying in the arms of his imagination, reaching the stars.

She didn’t dare to interrupt this communion with nature. He was no more a man; he was sea, wind, and sky. The intense way of her looking draw his attention and he turned exactly were she was. Then was his turn to look her intensely and fire burned in his eyes. She was wearing jeans too; a shirt tied in a knot in her waist and bared foot. Feeling the sand below her feet was one of the pleasures that the beach give to her. Looking at his eyes and giving him her best smile said:
-Hi, I’m Jade, I’m hoping you are Douglas.-
Making a nod he extended his strong arm to shake her hand. It was warm and smooth.
-My pleasure, Jade.-
They were standing not knowing what to do next. At last she sat on the sand and he do the same.
-Were difficult to you to reach this place?-
-Not really at all.- he answered without taking apart his eyes from her lips. Her lips were generous, and he can see her perfect teeth between them. His stare was so intense that she felt hot as standing inside a circle of fire.
-Jade, why do you want me here? You are not allowed, you are not supposed to … -
She silenced him with a wave of her hand.
-Douglas, look at my eyes while I answer you: I don’t know. The only thing I know is that I have to follow my heart and it told me to do so.-

She wasn’t lying this was the truth. -Douglas, tell me, where is Venus right now? - she asked looking at the sky. - Is exactly just right there.- he said pointing to a tiny spot. So the conversation began, talking about the universe, the Solar System, moons, stars. And time passed by without noticing it. Laughing, having arguments about the nature of the cosmos, they felt bound to a common thought, the stars.
-Want something to drink or eat? I can invite you to a cup of coffee, chocolate or want a soda?-
-I will love a cup of chocolate, if you don’t mind,- she answered, so he went to the boat and hurried two cups of steamy chocolate to her. Wind was becoming chilly so the chocolate brought them a pleasant warm sensation.
-Thank you, Douglas, and now I am the one asking, why you are here?-
-Cause I felt I have to be here, Jade. Now what?-
She was wondering about the very same question.
-Don’t know, the only thing I know now is that I longed to do this …-and raising her mouth she reached his. Heaven and hell both brought together in a deep, long, breathless kiss. What the hell was she doing? Didn’t know. Her body shudders beneath the caress of his lips, smelling his breath of arousing desire.
-Jade, stop,- he said in a whisper. -Please, you don’t know what are you doing.-
He was right, she didn’t know what she was doing with his mind, his will, his heart…

Now, what? None of them know. Future itself had been a stranger, always unknown…
Datos del Cuento
  • Autor: Jade_4
  • Código: 2251
  • Fecha: 28-04-2003
  • Categoría: Románticos
  • Media: 5.09
  • Votos: 97
  • Envios: 4
  • Lecturas: 6803
  • Valoración:

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3 comentarios. Página 1 de 1
Lorenzo Valcarcel
invitado-Lorenzo Valcarcel 04-06-2003 00:00:00

very romantic and made me hot. you get many aplause, bravo,Bravisimo . te felicito sigue hacia adelante , cuando tengas tu primer libro me avisas.

Eddy Garcia
invitado-Eddy Garcia 02-05-2003 00:00:00

I enjoy your tale, but why english, are u british or american, any way, i loved your style, since i coldn´t get the soul of your history. best regard

Juan Andueza G.
invitado-Juan Andueza G. 30-04-2003 00:00:00

Jade : Y dont entand nathing, for ever, and this página, y creo que no reading nathing. Kiss for you.

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