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Categoría: Sueños

The pretty Betterfly

Beautiful Betterfly

One day of Spring came a beautiful and young Betterfly, to "HAUNTED VILLARGE"
Every little animals of all the kinds, were haunted.
One to others said to each other yes, like that beauty we'v never seen ever.
The beautiful Betterfly had an special enchanted. Her big wings and millions of colors very brighten,
shine, and pretty
her movements when she fly very special. like a pretty balarina. She also had a friendliness was incomparable
Kind, and Tender too.
They could say so many specials things about her, that everybody were haunted and they recieve her very good
She felt very proud of herself and everyday before sleep and when wake up she took care a lot of her image.
her wings always were velvety and shine with her colors
When time passed everybody said Hi to her. they clap to her. always the princess of the place.
BUT..........always usually happen, days pass....and each time had to take care of her more to keep its beauty,
month passes....

and also YEARS PASSES.
The Beautiful Betterfly was sad, Her wings didnt shine too much,her spontanials motions of a beautiful bailarina,already started to
delay.but she kept being the same kind , sweet, pretty and friendly betterfly ¿WHY ISNT IT EVERYTHING LIKE IN THE BIGINING?
Poor Betterfly, she...she cried, each day more sad she was, she became tired and it was hard to fly for her....
Her friends didnt say hi to her as before, didnt consider her as the princess of the "HAUNTED VILLARGE"

How alone she felt,she knew she was getting sick, but they werent going to take care of her, they didnt even want to see her....
she always felt alone,sad, and she said to herself over and over.....
What a cruel life,She is the same one, her exterior beauty is turning off...but the interior Beauty always is there and each time more broaden.
Poor betterfly she left of the place sad and lonly.

Datos del Cuento
  • Categoría: Sueños
  • Media: 5.04
  • Votos: 53
  • Envios: 0
  • Lecturas: 5354
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