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Categoría: Sin Clasificar

Wrong place, wrong moment 1

Ben was happy as a clam. Finally he was going to enjoy the holidays after have been worked very very hard. He was going to Hawaii after several months of being earning money. He went home, watched a horror movie, I know what you did last summer. Bored of too much blood, turned off the TV and went to sleep. Next day Hawaii was waiting for him. Right next his bed there was his luggage with shorts, bathsuit, sunblock, snorkel to enjoy the best holiday he had ever seen before or will again.

A storm came and rained for several hours. As a consequence of it, the electricity failed and the clock had the wrong time. Ben was awake at 8:30 am.....He was late!!!!!...Oh shit!!!He wnt to the bus stop to go to Los Angeles International Airport-LAX, when he already arrived, he missed the bus. Many minutes has been losen....Ben sweats and curses his bad luck...#$%^^&*8%$@!!@$%^[[][[...The bus came...it was high time!!!. The bus was crowded, and most of the persons who were there were children between 5 and 7 years old. ben did not find any seat, he was stood up, a boy in front of him was hiperactive, and started kicking Ben's ankles. Ben flew off the handle and tell to the boy to stop it now!!!!.
Time runs out and they were going too slow. A few meters ahead, there's a collision...2 trucks...Highway patrol is in the 405 Freeway (better known as 4 or 5)...More delay, time is running out. After trials and tribulations Ben arrives to LAX, to make check in and go to Hawaii. There's a kilometric row. He waits his turn-there's nothing elese to do- and he is told:
Sorry Mr. Ben the airplane already left minutes ago...Nooo!!!
Do you have any other flight later? Maybe tonight..
Sorry, but all of them are booked for the rest of the Holidays.
Ben sat down and cried. Next to him, there was an old man with a long beard, almost like Santa Claus's Doppelganger.
Could you believe? I missed my plane to go to Hawaii and now....I.....
Don't worry, and he gave Ben an airplane ticket. Don't cry anymore, son, this is for you. He gave Ben an airplane ticket!!!!!
When Ben turned to say thanks the old man just vanished.
Anyyway, thanks, said Ben again.
He took his luggage with sunglasses, snorkel, sunblock, bathsuit and ready to enjoy.

Meanwhile, on the plane, Ben fell asleep. After several hours, he was awake and ask to the flight attendant:
Excuse, are we ready to arrive?
In 30 minutes, or so..
Thank you.
After that time, a voice said: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Tokyo, Japan..temperature....
Tokyo? Japan? Noooooo..Ben screamed surprised and shocked.
There he was, with shorts, sunglasses, hat and sandals ready for the beach......but in Tokyo..

The night was really cold, 3 degrees...very far from Hawaii.
What he was going to do?
He took a taxi. For his good luck, the driver spoke English.
On their way to the hotel, they were assaulted. they fought with the two robbers and Ben beat one of them until the guy fainted, the other one ran away.
Are you ok? Asked Ben to the driver...
Yes and you?
I'm fine...Let's go. This time, the driver lost control and they crashed with a wall. the driver was death. He had a heartattack.

Ben walked for hours and hours in the middle of the darkness and finally was in the Metro Station.
Once inside, he felt that the land shaked. It was a quake. After a minute, again, and the third one, was stronger. An earthquake.....Ben had panic for the very first time in his life. everybody ran from one side to the other, people screamed, everything was a collective hysteria. There was nothing to do, until to wait later to see that everything was fine.

Now with an earthquake, he was not going to find a plane to comeback home.
The police came. Ben was rescued, the police put him into a ship. The traveles lasted days, 1, 2, 3 weeks.
Where are we now? Asked Ben..
We are in Colombia.

To be continued.....
Datos del Cuento
  • Autor: Gemini
  • Código: 17787
  • Fecha: 13-12-2006
  • Categoría: Sin Clasificar
  • Media: 5.68
  • Votos: 158
  • Envios: 3
  • Lecturas: 10964
  • Valoración:

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